- *The wrong method of extensions: I just don't understand why, when a much better option exists, people resort to using the fusion method. This method results in rice granule-like bulbs at the roots. If she would have opted for a less conspicuous method like Platinum Seamless, she would have extension bonds that align perfectly with her hair strands and lay flush to the scalp. This just looks gross, and it's a sick cycle - the weight of these fusion bonds, coupled with the fact that she clearly doesn't take good care of them, causes her natural hair to thin out and shed, thus the need to opt for extensions to create the illusion of length, thickness, and lush long hair. She needs to stop the madness, STAT. And by the way, how on God's green earth does one run their fingers through their hair with the knotty, tangly mess. Maybe that's why she doesn't ever wash her hair - because she can't get her fingers through it.
*She's obviously not taking proper care of her extensions. Her super oily scalp is in desperate need of a good shampooing, and the oils from her scalp aren't helping her extensions. Scalp oils have been known to loosen extensions bonds. And I know, I know, as a hair stylist I'm supposed to live by the idea of shampooing infrequently and conditioning frequently...but this is just painful to look at! I'm sure (or at least I hope) her hair stylist took a great deal of time doing a full head of fusion extensions - this can take up to 10 hours! If I was him or her, I would not be happy with the negative publicity they are getting from this client! Hair extensions are an investment in both money and proper care, and if a client is not getting adequate education regarding the caretaking, their stylist is not doing his or her job.
*What is with the color, Britney? This jaundicey, uriney, yellowy color is not doing it for you. It looks flat, one dimensional, brassy, and it has absolutely no sparkle or liveliness. I would love to see Britney go back to her "In the Zone" days, with the dark blonde, light brown, multi-dimensional color - sure it doesn't look totally natural, but has Britney ever been one to opt for looking natural?
I guess I'm just not sold on the idea of fusion , Great Lengths, SoCAP USA, or very many other hair extension methods. I think that hair extensions shouldn't really look like extensions - the evidence should be hidden far far away, and really hard to detect. That's why I am such a believer in Platinum Seamless extensions - I have them in right now, and I will have a really difficult time getting myself to remove them when the time comes (in a few months), not because they are hard to remove, but because I don't want to part with them! I love how the keratin bonds are attached to wefts of hair that lay aligned with your natural hair. I love how the bond lays flush to your scalp, but can move freely. I love how I don't have headaches, shedding, or pulling from them. I just love them! Lauren Conrad is one of the celebrities that has been known to wear them - and homegirl looks good! She was probably only at the salon for a few hours for the entire appointment as well - coloring and full head extensions application only takes about 3 hours! That's a huge improvement from the more traditional extension techniques!
If you want to schedule a consultation for Platinum Seamless extensions, give me a buzz at 816.942.8787!
P.S. I don't know if I have to say this, but I'd rather be safe than sorry - I don't own those pictures, they were taken from outside sources! We all know how sue-happy our culture is today so fyi I don't own the rights to those photos.